Opening times
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
May bis August:
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Everywhere in Europe is there daylight savings time from the last Sunday in March, until the last Sunday in October. These days (Saturday to Sunday) we change from summertime to wintertime or from Wintertime to Summertime too.
The name 'daylight savings time' means that one has an hour more daylight in summer. To have this extra hour in March, and then in October are the clocks set back an hour.
It is absolutely not possible to make a visit of the church during the church services.
The church ist open 365 days of the year.
Visiting hours particularly for sightseeing the Wieskirche
Dear Visitors of the Wieskirche,
the Wieskirche is on the one hand a place of worship, a sacred place and not a museum.
On the other hand it is one of the most favored excursion and travel destinations in Germany.
As a result there are continually conflicts of interest.
With the following new regulations we would like to protect the Wieskirche as a sacred place
and simultaneously make it possible for guests from all over the world, to get to know the UNESCO World Culture Wieskirche.
The following regulations apply for sightseeing of the church, with which we offer both pilgrims as well as tourist groups reliability for their visit of the church.
Please take these regulations into consideration when planning your visit and inform your groups about it!
Like by a traffic light there are red, yellow and green time frames. Within the opening hours of the Wieskirche, stated at the bottom of this page, the following regulation applies:
During the GREEN time slots the church is open for visiting groups. We recommend that you plan to come with your guests solely during these time frames. If you want to be certain that your guests have entrance to the church without any hindrance, please plan your visit during this time frame.
During the RED time slots no sightseing is permitted in the church` Walking around and/or taking pictures or videos is forbidden during these time frames. During this time the church will also often be locked. This applies also as of 1 hour before the beginning of and during all concerts.
During the YELLOW time slots sightseeing in the church may not be possible, for example if guided tours are taking place, especially at 11:00, 14:30 and 15:30 or during the special masses of pilgrimage groups. In such cases sightseeing is also not permitted during the yellow time frames.
If in your particular case you want to be sure, that the church is available at the time you prefer, just call the church office from Monday through Friday (not on holidays) between 8 and 12 AM.
We will gladly give you information, if the preferred time frame is available.
phone: +49-8862-93293-0 - (within Germany) 08862-93293-0
Requests for appointments are not possilbe via e-mail or fax.
The church admistration thanks you for your understanding and your help.
Msgr. Gottfried Fellner
Pastor of the Pilgrimage